Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ward Split

I was sorry to here this morning from the Stake President that my ward is being broken up. They aren't changing the boundaries, but apparently they have special permission to change which apartment complexes belong to which wards and shuffle them around to keep the wards even, and they decided our ward was too big, so our apartment complex is being broken off and sent to another ward. Unfortunately, the neighbors we knew best have been given special permission to stay in this ward because he just was called to be the Sunday school president and they don't want to break that up just after starting it (same thing happened to the Elder's quorem president and Relief Society president). So there will be some familiar faces, but no where near as many as we'd like.

I'm especially disappointed because it means I won't be a Sunday school teacher any more. I was really looking forward to enjoying that calling and getting to know more of the ward members through it.

1 comment:

Whitaker said...

A bit of a challenge, but there will be blessings as well.